• Wood petrification is a special semi-precious stone, also known as wood petrification, which refers to the gradual transformation of wood into stone fossils during geological processes. This kind of stone usually has the texture and shape characteristics of wood, and retains the structure of wood, but its tissue has been completely or partially replaced by minerals. Petrified wood can be cut, polished and honed to create a variety of ornaments and jewelry such as pendants, rings and bracelets. Mae eu lliw a'u gwead yn amrywio yn dibynnu ar y mwynau sydd ynddynt, ond mae lliwiau cyffredin yn cynnwys brown, melyn, coch a du.
  • Petrified wood, often known as fossil tree, It keeps the structure and texture of tree wood despite being buried underground for a few hundred million years or more. Colors include naturals such as yellow, brown, red - brown, gray, dark gray, and so on, with the glass surface being polished bright, opaque, or somewhat translucent, and some petrified wood texture rendering jade texture, also known as the jade coeden.
  • Semi-precious materials, such as agate, tourmaline, crystal, etc., have beautiful colors and textures and are often used in high-end decoration. Gellir defnyddio slabiau cerrig lled werthfawr ar gyfer countertops, sinciau, waliau cefndir, waliau a lloriau. Using semi-precious stones on the floor can bring a unique visual effect and a sense of luxury.

  • Gan fod agate yn hynod gadarn, gall wrthsefyll defnydd rheolaidd yn eich cegin neu'ch ystafell ymolchi. Mae'n arbennig o adnabyddus am ei arwyneb caboledig iawn, sy'n gallu gwrthsefyll cemegolion a staeniau. Mae'r caledwch a'r sglein hwnnw, fodd bynnag, yn dod ar gost uchel. Agate slabs are an appealing choice for worktops due to their compelling beauty and other advantageous properties, but smaller pieces may also be utilized for a variety of other applications, including ornamental accent walls, fireplace surrounds, backsplashes, and even water features. Backlit agate marble for Countertop and Wall Design is an excellent alternative for your high-end interior design.
  • Gall carreg ffynhonnell sy'n codi gyflenwi pob lliw o farmor agate. That's blue agate marble, pink agate marble, white agate marble, yellow agate marble, green agate marble, purple agate marble, emerald green malachite slab, purple amethyst gemstone slab, colorful agate marble, etc. We will process agate marble tiles and slabs according i'ch manylebau a darparu cyfanswm gwasanaethau datrysiadau prosiect. Cysylltwch â ni'n uniongyrchol i gael mwy o wybodaeth.
  • Addurn cartref moethus lled -werthfawr marmor carreg porffor amethyst gemstone slab gemstone

    Addurn cartref moethus lled -werthfawr marmor carreg porffor amethyst gemstone slab gemstone

    Mae Xiamen yn codi ffynhonnell gyfanwerthol China yn ôl -oleuedig Slabiau Marmor i gwrdd â'ch addurn cartref moethus. They are white agate marble, pink agate marble, blue agate marble, green agate marble, yellow agate marbke, grey agate marble, red agate marble, purple agate marble, purple amethyst marble and brown agate marbles, etc.
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